The Essence of Audrey
A Play about the life of Audrey Hepburn
Click here for Trailer with Reviews
All she really wanted was to be loved and to find love. Have you ever wondered what is behind the idylic and seemingly perfect life of Audrey Hepburn?
She was, and continues to be, an inspiration...
A stunningly beautiful, modest actress, and selfless humanitarian Ambassador of UNICEF.
She proved to be one of those rare people who truly deserved 'fashion icon’ status.....
but what made her into the icon we think we know?
What was her life really like?
Glimpse behind the icon in this new biopic play written and performed by Helen Anker

Photos from the show at different venues
How it all came about.....
While the 2nd, or was it the 3rd lockdown was well under way.. I started thinking about ways to keep occupied whilst being creative, as I was seriously missing performing.
My tenant at the time suddenly asked me if I’d ever been ‘likened’ to Audrey Hepburn? … I have some beautiful coffee table books at my house, with pictures of her iconic face on the front.. (Audrey’s not my tenant’s) I said .. actually yes.. (maybe a couple of times!)
I was thrilled for what I believed to be a massive compliment!
Well.. who doesn’t want to look like Audrey Hepburn?.. She’s always been my idol.. or should I say.. the person I would always answer the question to… “who, out of anyone, dead or alive would you want at your dinner party”
The next day, during my weekly ballet class on Zoom.. I was looking directly at Audrey's face on the book on my bookshelf.. and started wondering whether anyone had done a play or musical about her? .. I did some research.. and was shocked to find.. I couldn’t find anything.... I started doing research into her and her life and watched as many of her films as I could find.. and after mentioning my idea to a friend.. she suggested I try writing it myself… I honestly haven’t written anything before.. so really didn’t know if I could… well…. You’ll have to tell me… as this is it! ..
I did it!
I am so hoping you enjoy watching this life story of who I consider to be one to the most modest, glamorous, charming, loving and simply beautiful ladies this world has been blessed with… who I have just loved getting to know… and funnily enough..
have discovered quite a few similarities to my own life…